What’s your purpose? Many people drift through life, with no sense of purpose, direction or true joy. They ignore the fact that they aren’t happy and never address the mindset and choices that led to that unhappiness. Most people have limiting beliefs and so their life is limited. They believe life is hard, and so it is. They believe life is a challenge, and challenges seem to pile one atop another.
They believe either consciously or unconsciously that their best days are behind them. They believe fitting in and being who they are expected to be will get them a better or easier life than being their true self and following their true passion. Their happiness is dependent on what others thinks and what happens. They are not in control of life; life is in control of them.
Over the next 10 days, we will be sharing one of 10 empowering beliefs about life. These are beliefs that will open the door for life to work with you and for you. Once these beliefs become part of who you are, your entire life will change. Guaranteed.
#1 How you feel is a choice.
Have you ever noticed how unhappy people seem to get upset over just about everything? Have you also noticed that they seem to have a lot to be unhappy about? The truth is, they let every little thing make them unhappy. Someone cuts them off in traffic and it ruins their day. Someone says something unkind and they replay it in their minds for weeks. They true, they are unhappy. But it’s also true that they’re choosing unhappiness with the thoughts they think.
No person, place or thing has any control over the thoughts you choose to think. Just like you can’t decide how someone else thinks or feels, no one can get into your head and force you to think a single thought. When you adopt the belief that you are in control over how you think and feel, two things happen. The first is that you become empowered. You know, really know, that no event or person has the power to make you unhappy. Only your thoughts can do that. You decide what every event means. You have the choice to see the blessings in everything.
The second is that you start to attract better circumstances. When you are putting out better energy, better is attracted to you and you will notice more of the amazing world that is all around you. You’ll come to realize that even during the darkest storm, the sun continues to shine above the clouds.
Let your thoughts be above the storm and you’ll understand what Wayne Dyer meant when he said – “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.
How you feel is a choice. Your choice. So why not choose to see the best in everything!