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Explore leadership strategies, career transitions, executive presence, and neurodiversity. Empower yourself with practical tips and stories for personal and professional growth. Stay connected for regular updates or subscribe for the latest articles. Let's grow together!
24 Character Strengths: Love of Learning
24 Character Strengths: Love of Learning
24 Character Strengths: Judgement
24 Character Strengths: Judgement
24 Character Strengths: Curiosity
24 Character Strengths: Curiosity
24 Character Strengths: Creativity
24 Character Strengths: Creativity
Leader's Bookshelf: "How full is your bucket? " by Don Clifton
Leader's Bookshelf: "How full is your bucket? " by Don Clifton
Leader's Bookshelf: Your Oxygen Mask First by Kevin N. Lawrence
In the last week I read Kevin Lawrence’s, ‘Your Oxygen Mast First: 17 Habits to Help High Achievers Survive & Thrive in Leadership &...
Are you a bully?
When we think of bullying, it probably brings up childhood playground memories or the latest news or posts about bullying on social media....
Resentment is corroding the heart of your business.
Even with all the talk about Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, resentment is still running rampant in our organizations. We’ve...
What's holding you back?
Resistance is futile. We Star Trek fans all know what that means, and that in the end resistance was the way to go! But what about when...
What kind of leader will you be?
When I was a kid, I remember the old playground taunt – ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but works will never hurt me”. I don’t...
Running with chainsaws?
Leadership is struggling. You only need to look at the latest news articles to see how little we’ve done to prepare individuals to lead....
What if everyone had their needs met?
Having nearly 30 years of experience working in and with organizations of all sizes, I’ve noticed that there is a universal disconnect...
You're a now what?
Yesterday, you were humming along happily doing your work when suddenly you were called into your manager’s office. She closes the door...
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing...
About 10 years ago, Dr. George Simon wrote a book titled In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People and if...
Be Your Own Hero
It’s been quite a year at the movies! One record broken after another. A little over 20 years ago, Titanic became the first moving to...
What's in your toolbox?
Did you know that there are over 40 different types of wrenches? Some are common enough, like the trusty adjustable wrench, while others...
Sometimes the lesson is to walk away.
Have you ever felt like you needed to put on a suit of armor before you headed into work? Or maybe you have someone in your life whose...
How about a little kindness?
A favorite author, Richard Carlson, said “Choose being kind over being right, and you’ll be right every time”. This quote captures the...
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